TinyFSM – Finite State Machine Library

TinyFSM is a simple finite state machine library for C++, designed for optimal performance and low memory footprints. This is a simple header including library allowing developers to easily understand what is actually happening behind the curtains. TinyFSM basically wraps event dispatching into function calls, making event dispatching equally fast to calling (or even inlining)... Continue Reading →

HTTP security headers

नमस्ते Readers, it's been a long time since I have written any blog, so decided to write one today. This one is going to be on the security of web applications. Most of the security vulnerabilities can be fixed by implementing necessary security headers in the response header. These security header prevents any web application... Continue Reading →

Access Control Drifts and Challenges

There has been a continuous shift in Physical Access Control Terminal technologies, be it the acquisition of finger template on a single wave within a second rather than placing the finger on sensor and then waiting for the acquisition, to the use of the Open Supervised Device Protocol ( OSDP ) replacing the unsecured Wiegand... Continue Reading →

Java Card Applet Development

In this blog we will be learning how to develop a Java Card Applet. First, let us understand few terms: JavaCard - denotes a Java Card technology-enabled smart card. Java Card technology allows applets written in the Java language to be executed on a smart card. The minimum system requirement is 16 kilobytes of read-only memory... Continue Reading →

Lesser known Concepts in C

Hi Reader! In this blog I am going to share some of the less known concepts in C language, however if we know these concepts they'll seem obvious to us. Nevertheless for the ones who don't know these concepts, here are some of them which I found on some blog or reading somewhere: Note: Some... Continue Reading →

“The Imitation Game”

When googled this " Who is the father of Computer Science", the answer was Alan Turing. This blog is not an introduction to Alan Turing because he doesn't need one, rather a homage to one of the greatest minds to have lived on this planet. He was a Computer Scientist, a mathematician, theoretical biologist, cryptanalyst,... Continue Reading →

OOD (Object-Oriented Design)

This Blog is basically an introduction to the principles of Object Oriented design and patterns as devised by Robert C. Martin (a.k.a Uncle Bob). Whenever we start learning OOPs concept we go through basic concepts like polymorphism, data abstraction, inheritance, modularity etc, we get to know how to use them (the syntax) but they don't... Continue Reading →

Java Card Optimization

The very first thing we need to understand is Javacard is not Java, it can be thought as a subset of Java with less features. Javacard is primarily used for developing smart card applets. As we know we have limited number of resources in smart cards (like NVM, RAM etc) so we should be able... Continue Reading →

Optimizing Your Source Code!

Source code optimization is the modification of code for improved performance and efficiency. Optimization can be done in various parts of the code like loops(using methods like Loop unrolling, Loop splitting etc.), data flow optimization(using methods like Induction variable recognition and elimination, Dead store elimination) etc. As everything in this world comes with a trade-off,... Continue Reading →

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